What a crazy year this has been already……………..well I have yet to go on a proper date this year but, I thought since I haven’t written anything in a while I would go ahead and share something that was suppose to be funny and turned into a not so funny situation.
A couple weeks ago a friend of mine purchased a house and was having a house warming party that was really last minute, the invite was sent out via text that same day. I didn’t have anything going on that night and I hadn’t seen him in awhile so I thought I would be a good friend and grace them with my presence. I arrive and it’s like a middle/ high school reunion, it was good seeing people I haven’t seen in ages. I get to mingling with everyone and then the alcoholic games begin. People are taking shots, bumping into other people and just really enjoying their time there. At one point the entire house is full of people and just utter ciaos, people going up and down the stairs, people sitting in the corner cause there’s no room on the couch’s or in the chairs at the table, people coming in and out of the back yard; you get the picture.
The night is winding down and it’s like 1:30 in the morning and I was talking to a fella from middle school (Jackson) and we got to talking about the good days, and my very first “boyfriend” (which was his best friend at the time) and why we “broke up”. He was telling me that up until that night he still didn’t know the real reason why we broke up……let’s face it, we were in 6th grade and we were “boyfriend/girlfriend” which really just means at that age they walk you to your class or meet you at your locker. Well the reason we (I) broke up was because he wanted to take our relationship to the “next level” which was kissing; and I wasnt ready for that. After telling him the reason he was joking around with me, clowning on me saying “Yvonne, believe it or not, you were one of the prettiest girls in middle school, you had the whole cheerleading thing going for you, he was on basketball team, y’all were the “it” couple, you hung out with the “popular” crowd.” I said “WWWWHHHHHHAAATTTTT……….I was NOT SO cute in middle school…blah blah blah blah”. We continue to talk about just random things and all of a sudden a guy interrupts us.
This random guy comes up to us and introduces himself and then says “who are y’all?” me and my friend looked at each other like, is this kid for real so he tells the guy his name and I tell him mine. He then says “oh, ok…where are you guys from?” My friend and I kind of chuckled underneath our breath just because it was a little odd for him to be questioning us as if he was a cop or something so my friend tells him he’s from Garland then he asks me the same question. For whatever reason, could have been the mix drink tied up with my personality I then tell him “I’m from Canada”……why I said Canada is beyond me, but I said that then he walked off and my friend and just blew it off. A few minutes later his girlfriend walks in and he greets her then brings her to us. He then tells her our names and where we are from, after telling her that I’m from “Canada ” she gives me this look of disgust and walks off. I think nothing of it and 20 minutes pass and she’s about 15 feet from me then she starts pointing at me and laughing, I take a look behind me to see if she’s possibly looking pass me but nope, she straight up pointed and laughed at me. For those of you that don’t really know me, I’m small but I guess because I’m small I feel like others think they can run all over me, not the case with me so when the time comes to defend myself I’m always ready.
I look over at her and ask her if she has a problem and she says “no” but it was the way she said as if she were better than me. She had this little miss attitude that really didn’t set well me. I don’t understand why females always have to be against each other and feel like someone is “trying” to take their man. So I let her little comment go it was getting pretty late and me and my friend were getting ready to say bye to each other then head out, well I notice that this girl kept pointing and laughing so this is getting to me and I finally say, “if you have a problem, why not come to me as an adult, rather then stand 15 feet away from me and laugh like your 5” Of course she has nothing to say but her boyfriend decides to take it upon himself and tells me to let it go. About 20 minutes go by and at this point me and my friend are sitting on the couch still trying to say bye. The girl and her boyfriend walk by me and she said under her breath “bitch”; I said “I know your not calling me a bitch.” She doesn’t say anything until she’s on the other side of the house then has the balls to say “fucking bitch”…………by the way excuse my language I’m normally not a sailor mouth type gal but this night I was not about to let people talk to me like I was trash. So I say “Oh, funny you only speak when your far away from me or when your boyfriend is with you, again little girl if you have something to say come to my face and say it, otherwise shut the hell up” Her boyfriend didn’t like this one bit and then begins to say “Fuck you, you stupid bitch” And I say “pretty sure I was talking to your girlfriend not you, if your girl cant fight her own battles than maybe she should keep her mouth shut”
At this point we are just using every cuss word you can think of at each other, then they walk by me once again and he calls me a “cunt”…..keep in mind all of this because I said I was from Canada, I have no clue what they have against Canada but I stood up and then my guy friends were holding me down thinking I was really going to do something. I stand up and he’s a good 5’11”, that’s 11 inches taller than me and I get right up to him and say “you called me a what?” he then says “a fucking cunt, you fucking Canadian” so at this point I have to defend where I’m “from” right hahahaha so I say “screw you mother fucker, you know nothing about me or where I come from” then he says “which one of you mother fuckers is her boyfriend and is going to claim this crazy bitch?” I say “I don’t need some guy or a boyfriend to speak for me when I’m in trouble, I know how to fight my own battles, unlike your dumb ass girl who is still across the living room while you look dumb arguing with a girl, stupid fuck” he says “oh that’s why you don’t have a boyfriend cause you have a fucking attitude and no one want to put up with your dumb shit” at this point I was thinking DAMN, he’s trying to make this really personal, so I say “Oh no, don’t get it twisted mother fucker I choose to be single, I don’t need a guy to validate who I am, or speak for me” then he got even more personal and I would rather not say what he said but somewhere along the screaming at each other he says something like “if you were a guy I would punch you in the face” so me being all bold I say “I wish you would hit, please hit, come on, hit me so I can call the cops and press chargers on your ass” I was really taunting him but I could care less.
The screaming match is getting out of control and he says “my cousin is one of the guys that lives here and he’s will kick your ass out before he kicks me out” so I call his cousin over and he is of course wasted and I tell him basically his cousin is rather upset that I’m from Canada then this dumb fool (guy who hate Canadians) says “come on man kick her ass out, stupid bitch, cunt!” and his cousin who is such a peace maker says “oh come on man don’t judge her cause she’s from Canada she’s a nice girl” dumb ass got pissed and started yelling at his girl then his cousin the peace maker kicked him out of the party. I swear I never knew people could be so judge mental as to where someone is from, now looking back on it as he was being kicked out I should’ve said “p.s. I’m not from Canada” but who cares I’ve never got into it was a dude before and that was pretty intense by far hahahaha guess I……………
Should’ve said no……. (to the party)
Lol, wow! You so should have told him you weren't from Canada as he got kicked out. That's so crazy. Who hates someone because of where they're from? Except for gang members. Maybe this was a turf issue..lol. I need to be mire like you. I'm so non-confrontational that I would have let it go. Maybe after my self-defense class I'll be more brave.