Wednesday, October 13, 2010

The Social Network

Hot Stuff! Lil Momma! Sweet Thang! Sexy!.........these are some of the names that have NEVER been said to me. Since middle school, I've always been known as "cute". Every guy that I found attractive was NEVER attracted to me, they would always say, "Yvonne, I like you as a sister" or "You are just too cute, I would feel bad if I hurt you". As if that's suppose to be flattering!

It's funny how things change over the yrs. Who would have thought that we could find people that we havent seen in ages on Myspace or Facebook. Well lucky me, I  came across quite a handful of gents that I use to go to school with. Everyone knows that once you accept their "friendship" on the social network you do the small talk..."how have you been, whats new in your life, what type of work are you doing now" Then you never type to them again. I ended up carrying on conversations with two different "randoms" on Facebook. 

The first one was James, we went to high school and had one class together but he was a senior when I was a sophmore. We use to flirt in high school but he also said, "you are just too cute and too sweet for me to date" James had commented on a few of my photos, saying "you look good after all these years" (geez thanks, as if I was fugly then) he sent me a message (for those that dont have a Facebook, a message is something private between you and the sender) asking how I was holding up and how Paco was doing. Clearly this is his way to see if I'm single or not, so I reply back "I'm doing really well, just trying to focus on me and get my life in order and I wouldnt know how Paco is doing, we arent together anymore."  We do the whole conversation thing for about two weeks, he then asks for my number, saying maybe we can meet up for a drink or something. After debating on if I wanted to give it to him, he then writes me saying, "Hey we can be friends and all but dont write anything on Facebook because I dont want stuff getting back to Paco." Ok first of all, I'm single and free to talk to whom I want when I want! Second, you and Paco never  hung out outside of high school let along in high school. Why James is "scared" of Paco is beyond I reply back saying, "Oh, so you want to be my secret friend? Ok, NOT INTERESTED!!!" I'm sorry but if you cant be my friend on freaking Facebook and it be just a causal thing then you dont deserve my friendship trying to sneak around, I mean....high school was seven years ago buddy! GET OVER IT!!!

The second random I came across was Juan, he was the new student at my middle school. Every girl was after him. He was cute, funny, and nice. For middle schoolers thats kinda of a big deal.....well he dated one girl (and by dating in middle school is walking someone to class or holding their books for them) They dated for about four months then he was back on the market, we had two or three classes together and we would always talk, blah blah blah. So we had a dance and I asked him if he wanted to go with me he said, "Yvonne, I like you as a sister. Plus, you are just too cute for me to hurt." UUUUUGGGGGHHHH if you cant tell, this is beginning to get really annoy me. So middle school is over and now we are in high school, he was on the football team and I was in drill team. Each week we had to make posters for our "buddy" to show school spirit well I ended up getting him my new girl year. I was a sophmore at the time and that's when Paco and I started dating, one night after a football game Juan came up to me and was like, "Yvonne, I've really been thinking and I like you more than a sister now." All I could say was, "Sorry, I'm with Paco now." We go about our business in high school, we even had a few classes through out the years and still managed to be friends. Well lets forward to March of this year, we become friends on Facebook and we talk through messages and we argee to meet up and go to a bar together. On the way to the bar we are talking and he then tells me that he was stupid not try to make it work with me. He's always liked me, he just said that I'm like a sister to him cause he was scared of his true feelings. He never thought that Paco and I would last as long as we did, he was waiting for the day we would break up and he would sweep me off my feet. (serious note, he DID say all of this hahahaha) So as I'm taking all of this in I'm amazed how all these fellas are trying to holla now that I'm single. I swear EVERY guy that I had a crush on back in the day has either tried to take me out on a date, or they compliment on my looks.

My goal is to meet new fellas, fellas that arent a friend of a friend, or anybody from high school. High school was ages ago, move on gents!! Guess I.......

"should've said no a long time ago"

1 comment:

  1. We do not know each other but I stumbled upon your blog from a friends. I have to say I have enjoyed reading it and can't wait for you to post again.
